New start logo - free self-improvement classes in Spokane Region

Free courses in the Greater Spokane Region to help anyone transform their life.

New Start Inland Northwest is a community website helping people find free classes and workshops that develop skills and habits needed for a better life.

Become self-sufficient.
Expand your abilities.

Completely free, no strings attached. The courses are not sermons. Led by community volunteers. They are team learning and incredibly effective. Come and see. Join a group in your neighborhood today.

Free self-improvement courses

Education is the key to opportunity. These courses meet once a week, small groups in a safe environment.

English Classes

Learn conversational English.

Personal Finance

Learn better money management.

Education for Better Work

The tools needed to land a better job.

Emotional Resilience

Tools to face the challenges of life.

Addiction Recovery

Finally, a program that will change you.

Strengthen Marriage

Rebuild your most important promise.

Get a college degree at a fraction of the cost. More than a dozen degrees and 36 certificates.