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About New Start

Community. Faith. Education.


To help others improve their life

New Start Inland Northwest is a website only that provides information on FREE education classes to help you enjoy a better life.

Learning can give you confidence, makes you more valuable in the work space, helps you with family relationships, and gives you power be self-reliant.

The free course are: Learning English, Managing Finances, Becoming More Resilient, Finding a Better Job and Addiction Recovery.

Mission & Purpose

In the Bible, Jesus taught that the two great commandments are to love God and to love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37–39).

We provide this online resource to point our community to free courses because of our love of Christ and our desire to improve our community.

Those who teach the classes are groups of volunteers in the Greater Spokane area committed to serving God and serving our neighbors. We donate our time and talents to serve and build up the communities where we live. Many of us are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – though not all. People of all faiths and backgrounds and many community and civic organizations help us in this effort.

The Church provides you free access to their building, training courses and resources. Everyone is welcome to participate in our classes, regardless of background, race, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Yes – all are welcome here. 

You are welcome to come, learn, grow and enjoy a better life with us.  

Our Courses

Learn More About Our Beliefs

Local Service Opportunities

Our Beliefs & Values

We believe that everyone is a child of God. His greatest desire is to see you grow and have joy. The scriptures state that, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52 KJV). We believe that you have a right to do the same. We are here to help.

God Loves You

As a unique child of God, you are loved immensely by your Heavenly Father. He is the Father of your spirit. All of humanity belongs to His family. As a loving parent, He knows you, is aware of your challenges, and wants you to have a strong relationship with Him.

Jesus Is Our Savior

We all need help in life. We face trials, we have questions, and we make mistakes. This is why we need Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and our loving Savior. His perfect example shows us the way to live. His teachings give us direction.

Life Has Purpose

You were born for a reason. Life can be difficult sometimes, but we are here to find happiness and help others do the same.

The Scriptures Guide Us

God’s plan centers around Jesus Christ. One of the most important ways we can learn about Jesus Christ is to study the scriptures that testify of Him. Scriptures are made up of the writings of holy prophets.

Becoming Christlike

Reading and understanding the teachings of Jesus Christ is important, but they can only bring us lasting happiness if we put them into action and behave as true Christians. We all have the capacity to be more Christlike in our thoughts and actions.

“One of the primary purposes of mortality is to learn—to gain knowledge and intelligence….“The glory of God is intelligence.” You might think intelligence means being gifted in academic work, but intelligence also means applying the knowledge we obtain for righteous purposes.“

– David A. Bednar


Frequently Asked Questions

Are Classes Really Free?

YES, there is no charge! And there is no catch! The courses are mostly created and sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Generous donations of time and money from millions of people around the world allow us to offer these classes free of charge.

Our mission is to bring hope, opportunity, and joy to people by serving others the way Christ did. Helping you learn English, manage finances, strengthen emotional resilience, overcome addiction are all ways to fulfill that mission. It is our privilege to serve you!

What Can You Tell Me About My Teacher?

All of our teachers are experienced teachers who are volunteering their time and talents. They are passionate about following Jesus Christ and serving others around them. 

For the English classes, most teachers are native English speakers who have lived abroad and learned another language. They understand the challenges of trying to communicate in a new language. They will be patient and help you.  

For English Classes, How Long Does They Take?

Many of our students can learn basic conversational English in as little as two months. Yes! In just a few short months, you can feel more confident talking to your neighbors, setting up appointments, and shopping.

The entire program takes approximately 25 weeks so you can really gain the skills and vocabulary you need to feel comfortable and fluent in any situation.

Get started today. Click here to register

Where and When are Classes Held?

Classes are typically held in person. It makes learning so much easier, faster, and so much more fun! 

To see exactly what’s available in your area, go to our courses page.

What Can You Tell Me About the Classes?

Each class usually lasts about 45 minutes. Classes are typically held in person, in a small group setting so you get individual help. We will help you every step of the way.

Workbooks and other learning materials are provided. 

You are expected to do homework and other tasks. The more you put in, the more you will get out.

Your teachers will be patient, understanding and respectful as well as encouraging and helpful!

Take your first class today – there is no obligation. Click Here to Start Today.